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Max’s fiction covers many genres, most with LGBTQ protagonists
- Science Fiction
- Mystery
- Horror
- Urban fantasy/Slipstream
Max’s fiction focuses on characters you care about. Sometimes ordinary, sometimes quirky, sometimes downright evil, the conflict between the characters drives the story.
Meantime, here’s the lastest science news.
- Phoenix galaxy cluster in the act of extreme cooling
- Jumping workouts could help astronauts on the moon and Mars, study in mice suggests
- Scientists herald active matter breakthrough with creation of three-dimensional 'synthetic worms'
- Dessert stomach emerges in the brain
- Global warming and mass extinctions: What we can learn from plants from the last ice age
- Biohybrid hand gestures with human muscles
- Models show intensifying wildfires in a warming world due to changes in vegetation and humidity; only a minor role for lightning
- Meet the newly discovered brain cell that allows you to remember objects
- AI speeds up nanoparticle research
- Tidal energy measurements help scientists understand Titan's composition, orbital history
- Masquerading moth deploys unique optical tricks to evade predators
- First detection of an ultra-high-energy neutrino
- New blood test accurately predicts preeclampsia